The Backcountry Trust has been an ongoing supporter of the improvement and maintenance of the Mountain Biking trail network in Craigieburn Forest Park.
To date we have funded some $69,000 worth of work on a variety of trails in the network. This work has ranged from smaller projects such as the replacement of a small bridge on the Luge Track, through to bigger works, like contractors to repair and realign parts of the Hogs Back and Dracophyllum tracks. Campbell Biv is one of the least visited and most remote of the West Coast huts located, on a scrubby spur high above the Arahura River. Built in 1958, it was designated for removal in the 2003/4 Recreation Opportunities Review but no one seemed to have got around to doing it. After 30 years of zero maintenance it was starting to deteriorate rapidly when Paul Reid of Permolat decided to take on it's restoration.
October 2024