Fiordland National Park, Southland November 2020 Once again, members of Permolat Southland have been cutting tracks in Fiordland – this time the Poteriteri Track. This track goes through lowland forest between Lake Teal Hut and Lake Poteriteri Hut in the southern part of the national park, crossing a low, forested ridge en route. On 9 November 2020, five members took the Wairaurahiri Jet water-taxi over Lake Hauroko to Teal Bay Hut. The team included: Naomi Brooks, Alastair Macdonald, John McDonald, Gavin Sinclair and Les Scown, with Ross Mason joining them the following day. Gavin and Les tramped in to camp at the first major river past the Rata Burn, then cut towards Lake Poteriteri, while the rest of the crew walked in each day from Teal Bay Hut and cut towards Gavin and Les’s camp. The track was well overgrown with crown ferns, sometimes so thick it completely hid the track and orange track markers. The team had to deal with a few wind-falls as well. Altogether the team completed 158 person-hours of track work over five fine days, clearing approximately 14 kilometres of track. It’s now well-cut, marked and easy to follow. Permolat Southland thanks: DOC Te Anau for allowing us to cut this remote track in this fantastic part of incredible Fiordland; Johan and Joyce from Wairaurahiri Jet; and the Backcountry Trust for financing this project and others.
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October 2024